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NERO Event List

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NERO Event Listing
S4 E8
Location: Indian Springs State Park Sep 13-Sep 15
Pre-Reg Price: $55.00
Campaign: Uncharted Realms Walk-In Price: $55.00
A regional gathering
Location: Tomlinson Run Group Camp Sep 13-Sep 15
Campaign: Elysia Walk-In Price: $90.00
Event Info:
Run by all plot heads
The Final Harvest - Sept
Border Lands
Location: Disciples Crossing Sep 13-Sep 15
Pre-Reg Price: $65.00
Campaign: Season 3: The Empire Walk-In Price: $60.00
Event Info:
"The crops!" They proclaim to the streets! "My wares! The structures!" Everything begins to affect. The eyes, ears, and individuals of the lands see the cost of what has been spent begun to take hold! The debt is being paid.
Opening the Trade Routes
Next Gen
Location: Tomlinson Run Sep 13-Sep 15
Pre-Reg Price: $85.00
Campaign: Main Campaign Walk-In Price: $100.00
Event Info:
In game location of Rockshire. Run by Tate and Team
Lyria September Weekend Event
Location: Sky Ranch Sep 13-Sep 15
Pre-Reg Price: $110.00
Campaign: Lyria Walk-In Price: $110.00
Event Info:
Join us for a two day event in the Lyrian Campaign! You will not be considered fully "pre-regged" until a ticket has been purchased through GiveButter. GiveButter tickets will be priced based on proximity to the event.
Rebirth of BANE! BANE 2.0 #7
Location: Christmas Hill Park Sep 14-Sep 14
Pre-Reg Price: $20.00
Campaign: Avandrian Region Walk-In Price: $20.00
Event Info:
The Orcs of The East continue to ravage the land...Void Wells have started to reappear, and the Charred Oak has resurfaced in Clampsboro...
September 2024 2-Day
Location: Expedition Ranch Sep 20-Sep 22
Pre-Reg Price: $80.00
Campaign: Expedition Into the Wild Lands Walk-In Price: $95.00
Event Info:
The Portal system is thrumming! Where will the next door knob lead? Come join us for a weekend of Adventure, Danger, and Fun
Rise of the Unblooded
Location: Raccoon Creek State Park - Camp 2 Oct 11-Oct 13
Pre-Reg Price: $60.00  
Campaign: Elysia Walk-In Price: $60.00
Event Info:
A new faction is rising in Vindale. The Unblooded as they are known as have been moving in on the city from an unknown location of origin. There have been reports of strange spirits lurking in the forests of Vindale. The name "The Smiling Prince" has been whispered among circles and his "return" is coming. Event ran by Chris and Team
Bizarre Bazarr
Next Gen
Location: Raccoon Creek State Park Oct 11-Oct 13
Pre-Reg Price: $60.00
Campaign: Main Campaign Walk-In Price: $70.00
Event Info:
In game location of Rockshire Run by Clinton
The Hallowed Halls - Oct
Border Lands
Location: Disciples Crossing Oct 18-Oct 21
Pre-Reg Price: $80.00
Campaign: Season 3: The Empire Walk-In Price: $80.00
Event Info:
Screaming, yelling, and calls of despair echo through the mirrored hallway you stand within. The Darkness holds the forever still. The Chaos quiets the surrounding existence to the deadest of ambiance. Do you hold out your hand and ask for help? Is it answered? How do you find out?
Return to Greyhorn
Location: Camp Sequanota Nov 08-Nov 10
Pre-Reg Price: $60.00  
Campaign: Elysia Walk-In Price: $60.00
Event Info:
Event ran by Donnie and Team
The Ever Foretold - Nov
Border Lands
Location: Disciples Crossing Nov 08-Nov 10
Pre-Reg Price: $60.00
Campaign: Season 3: The Empire Walk-In Price: $60.00
Event Info:
The Seers' hands overtake the crystalline ball. The vision vocalized sends chills down your spine. The realization of severe consequences from the actions taken thus far may finally be catching up. Do you attempt apologies? You can't, your voice is far away yet deafening. The Seer is gone, and the world disappears to smoke and ash.
Central Phoenix
Location: Camp Mountain Meadows Ranch Nov 08-Nov 10
Pre-Reg Price: $80.00
Campaign: Tel Zohar Walk-In Price: $100.00
A Gathering of the Cultures
Next Gen
Location: Dornon Property Nov 16-Nov 16
Pre-Reg Price: $35.00
Campaign: Main Campaign Walk-In Price: $40.00
Into the snowy mountain
Next Gen
Location: Guyasuta Dec 06-Dec 08
Pre-Reg Price: $60.00
Campaign: Main Campaign Walk-In Price: $70.00
Event Info:
In game location Elysia. Run by Clinton
The Yuletide Feast! - Dec
Border Lands
Location: Disciples Crossing Dec 13-Dec 15
Pre-Reg Price: $60.00
Campaign: Season 3: The Empire Walk-In Price: $60.00
Event Info:
Cheers, proclamations, and the joy of familiar faces reign throughout the lands! "The Feast! The Feast! We must slay the Beast for the Feast!" The hunters, the scalpers, and the ever-stealthy rogues begin the trek! What Beast do thy piece? How do thy cut from thy gut? Do these rhymes stay with time? Prepare! Prepare for the Faire!

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