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If you are having a problem with NERO Membership, Membership Renewals, XP/Build Issues or a Permanently Dead character, please address issue to "NERO Customer Service" above.
If you are reporting a Bug or Problem with the Web Site, please address the issue to "Web Site Support" above.
For National Adjudications, please address the issue to "National Adjudications", and include your Chapter, Character Name and the situation you are adjudicating.
(Please use National Adjudications as a last resort. Refer to your local chapter first.)
Or, if you want your issue tracked, please use the NERO Customer Service Ticketing System.

As always, please include as much information as possible, including Chapter, Member Name, Character Name, Event Name/Dates. This will allow us to assist you more quickly.

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Content Copyright ©2013-2024 Joseph Valenti. All Rights Reserved.
3008059 Visits Since July 01, 2013 Application Copyright ©2013-2024 Mikayla Marzilli. All Rights Reserved.